Transmigration by Rob Mulholland
Icheon, Korea
Mirrored stainless steel
The story behind the piece
Rob was invited to submit a site specific proposal by the selection committee of the 17th Icheon International Sculpture Symposium. Five International and four Korean artists were selected to create new sculptures for a permanent exhibition in Seolbong Park in August 2014.
This permanent sculpture installation is inspired by the multi – faith belief in the migration of the human soul.
Rob’s proposal was to create three large mirrored figures standing in a open space, reflecting the passing light and day to day life as people interact with the sculptures.
The first figure in the foreground is still and reflective. He repre-sents solidity and is earthbound. The second figure begins to crack and fragment, this represents the vulnerability of the body. The third figure continues morphing into another form, no longer human in appearance. The final form transcends and completes the transmigration into a free cloud of particles as if being absorbed by the atmosphere.
This sculpture installation attempts to re—define the figurative representations in sculptural practise. The figure and the environment become one in a symbiotic relationship. The earth, light and atmosphere become essential materials to be harnessed by the artist.