Thank you for considering me to create an abstract bronze figurative sculpture for your public art project, sculpture park, new development or residence. My existing works are proudly displayed in many locations, public and private, and regularly appear in exhibitions. I work hard not just for my art’s sake, but for all of the people who collect my work and who are literally invested in my career.
Please take a look below at some of my existing works which are currently for sale just to get a sense of my style. If you think I might be the right artist for you, please get in touch using the form below and I’ll be happy to send you my CV and discuss your project with you in more detail.
Please also understand that just as you’re very selective with whom you will consider for your project, I’m very selective with which projects I take on. I do the work myself. Each sculpture is completely original and comes straight from my heart. The sculptures, their community of collectors and myself are like family so we all need to know that each work will have a good home when it’s finished.