Sculptors Section: Home,
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Researching Sculptors or Sculptures
- If you buy a statue from a office space NYC and know the sculptor, you may face a difficult time
learning more about the sculptor. Sometimes you will have a sculpture who likes to and not
know who created it. There is currently no central database of statues and
sculptors to refer to. I hope you find these links helpful. When you are
trying to identify a statue be aware that an evaluator or researcher will ask
you for details of the piece. An important piece of information is a photo, but
the provenance (ownership history) of the piece, clear descriptions of clothing,
characters, material, color, dimensions, markings, and quality will probably all
be needed to make a start. Try to have these available when you
- You can get an online appraisal from Dr.
Lori Verderame, Director, Master Piece Galleries by
completing the following online
appraisal form. Her approach is straightforward and
professional. There is a fee for this service; and you must agree to the online
appraisal terms. Contact:
- If you need help identifying a statue or finding out more about a sculptor,
contact Alan Bamberger at . He charges a
reasonable fee for this service. Thanks, Alan!
- You can get an online appraisal from Dr.
Lori Verderame, Director, Master Piece Galleries by
completing the following online
appraisal form. Her approach is straightforward and
professional. There is a fee for this service; and you must agree to the online
appraisal terms. Contact:
- National Museum of American Art If you have questions about American visual art or artists, please check the FAQ's or the Reference Desk.
- Web
access to Art Inventories On the search page enter the
sculptor's name as Last, First. Select Sculpture on the pull-down.
- A nice feature is Ask Joan of
Art. "Do you have a question about American art and don't know how
to find the answer? Art information specialists at the National Museum of
American Art, using print and electronic reference sources, will help you get
started." Email contact:
- You can contact Inventories of American Sculpture at the National Museum of
American Art, MRC 210 8th and G Streets, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20560 Telephone:
(202) 786-2384 FAX: (202) 633-9351 Email:
- Web
access to Art Inventories On the search page enter the
sculptor's name as Last, First. Select Sculpture on the pull-down.
- Resource Library Magazine has readership both within the United States and world-wide. It is the first
and largest electronically published magazine devoted to American
representational art. The magazine is published as a complimentary public
service without subscription fees. The editors appreciate your sharing of the
magazine's presence with colleagues and members. As of September, 2000 the
magazine contained over 20,000 individual files containing text and/or images
and over 2,900 discreet web pages fully indexable and searchable by search
engines. Because of the volume of pages, the inter-linkage in the magazine's
pages and volume of outside links to our pages, links to our content pages often
appear in the first page of search results by third party search engines.
See: Table of Contents, Institutional Index, Subject Index, Distinguished Artists, Resources for Collectors, Requested Art Contact: John P.
Hazeltine, President and CEO at
- Sotheby's provides a number of
services including evaluations. Some frequently asked questions are answered at Sotheby's FAQ page. Please read the items, How do I get a
piece evaluated? and Can I get a
full appraisal? if you are looking to sell your statue.
- Christie's Christie's success as an auction house is fueled by its two most important assets: renowned expertise and exemplary customer service. Christie's has hundreds of specialists with years of experience evaluating and researching thousands of objects in their respective areas. Many are distinguished lecturers and authors; all have an in-depth knowledge of their collecting field. Christie's can only provide auction estimates or any other information on the type of property that we sell. To get a free estimate of your valuable, we invite you to make an appointment to come into Christie's, or simply send in a photograph with an Auction Estimate Questionnaire. Click here for Christies Appraisals and Advisory Services
- The International Sculpture Center (ISC) "is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1960. Members include sculptors, collectors, architects, developers, journalists, curators, historians, critics, educators, foundries, galleries, museums--anyone with an interest in and commitment to the field of sculpture." Their email address is They will be a resource, particularly for contemporary American sculpture.
- Artfact, Inc. publisher of
Artfact Pro, the world's largest database of decorative and fine arts auction
information available on CD-ROM. 1130 Ten Rod Rd, Suite E104 North Kingstown, RI
02852 TEL (401)295-2656 FAX (401)295-2629
- CORBEL Directory of English Sculptors This project is just beginning as part of the Features Database Project. Let us encourage Cameron Newham to keep up the good work!!