Cemeteries Section: Home, Biocides, Cemetery Preservation, Lichens, Cleaning Technologies, Conservation Research, Conserving Marble, Funerary Art, Headstone Inscriptions, Headstone Maintenance, Headstone Suppliers, Particular Cemeteries, Funeral Industry, Cemetery Industry,Non-Destructive
Measurements, Cemetery Management
Other: Dating
Iron, Metallography, Rocks, Tomb of the Unknown, Imaging Spectroscopy, Tombstone Weathering, Surface Concentrations, Disparity Maps, Digital Preservation
Cemeteries - Tombstone Weathering
- Terms: Tombstone Weathering (28),
gravestone weathering (14),
rock weathering (2071),
weathering of rock (955),
weathering of marble (29),
weathering of granite (174),
weathering of tombstones (3),
weathering of gravestones (4),
limestone weathering (134),
acid rain weathering (39)
- Terms: weathering of monuments (13),
sulphated crusts (2),
monument crusts (1),
condensation on monuments (1)
- Study: Gravestone Weathering - http://www.envf.port.ac.uk/geo/inkpenr/graveweb/gravestone.htm
- Methods of Measuring Weathering - http://www.envf.port.ac.uk/geo/inkpenr/graveweb/methods.htm
- Close Range Photogrammetry of worn letters - http://www.envf.port.ac.uk/geo/inkpenr/graveweb/image8.htm
- Terms: gravestone conservation (22),
conservation of a cemetery (1),
cemetery conservation (256)
- National Trust Guidelines for Cemetery Conservation - Gravestone Conservation - http://www.nsw.nationaltrust.org.au/cemsappc.html
- The Association for Gravestone Studies
- Microclimate for Cultural Heritage - http://clima.ictr.pd.cnr.it/microclima/default2.htm
- Theoretical and General Studies - http://clima.ictr.pd.cnr.it/microclima/study.htm
- Climatology- http://clima.ictr.pd.cnr.it/climatologia/default.htm
- Boolean: weathering and (tombstones or tombstone or gravestone or
gravestones or gravemarker or gravemarkers) (1860),
"acid rain" and (tombstones or tombstone or gravestone or gravestones or
gravemarker or gravemarkers or cemetery or cemeteries or graveyards) (18724)
- Terms: weathering research (419),
weathering laboratory (47),
accelerated weathering (4808),
artificial weathering (1066)
- Terms: measuring weathering (6),
weathering data (129)
- Terms: weathering (454770),
chemical weathering (19002),
chemistry of weathering (98),
oxidation (1076581),
reduction (13705422),
hydration (829173),
dehydration (927803),
carbonic acid (60345),
acid rain (486195),
mechanical weathering (1443),
frost action (3774),
abrasion (744356),
weathering of rock (955),
breakdown of rock (266),
frost shattering (219),
physical weathering (1845),
disintegration of rock (146),
exfoliation (162497),
salt weathering (343),
thermal weathering (41),
biological weathering (366),
hydrolysis (217745)
- Terms: surface weathering (915),
stone weathering (236)
- Terms: of high pressure cleaning (169),
stone decay mechanisms (8),
surface micromorphology (39),
micromorphology (3429),
Stone Weathering and Atmospheric Pollution Network (52),
swapnet (987),
Rock Weathering Working Group (2)
- A Study of Surface Weathering on Tombstones at Fairview Cemetery by John Thiel - http://www.geo.msu.edu/geo333/RJS%20vita%20misc/thiel.html
- Profile: Dr Cherith Moses - http://www.sussex.ac.uk/geography/profile10665.html
- Weathering - http://uregina.ca/~sauchyn/geog221/wthrng.html
- Weathering of Rocks and Minerals - http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/curr/science/core/plans/int/rocks.html
- Weathering Laboratory - http://www.dc.peachnet.edu/~pgore/geology/historical_lab/weathering.php