Cemeteries Section: Home, Biocides, Cemetery Preservation, Lichens, Cleaning Technologies, Conservation Research, Conserving Marble, Funerary Art, Headstone Inscriptions, Headstone Maintenance, Headstone Suppliers, Particular Cemeteries, Funeral Industry, Cemetery Industry,Non-Destructive
Measurements, Cemetery Management
Other: Dating
Iron, Metallography, Rocks, Tomb of the Unknown, Imaging Spectroscopy, Tombstone Weathering, Surface Concentrations, Disparity Maps, Digital Preservation
Cemeteries - Tomb of the Unknown
- Terms: Tomb of the Unknown (40045),
Tomb of the Unknowns (16592),
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (28828)
- Terms: Lorimer Rich (43)
- Faculty Papers - Biography of Lorimer Rich
- Before the current Tomb, there was a different monument
- "The panel of the front, facing the City of Washington and the Potomac, has
carved upon the marble a composition of three figures commemorative of the
spirit of the Allies in the War. In the center of the panel stands "Victory"; on
one side a male figure symbolizes "Valor," and on the other stands "Peace" with
her palm branch to reward the devotion and sacrifice that went with Courage to
make the cause of righteousness triumphant."
- Boolean: "Tomb of the Unknown" and scanning (69), "Tomb of the Unknown" and (3D or
CAD) (406), "Tomb of the Unknown" and model
(1382), "thermal expansion" and marble (1457), "Tomb of the Unknown" and dimensions
- Military District of Washington - Fact Sheet: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Facts - http://www.mdw.army.mil/FS-A11.HTM
- Military District of Washington - Fact Sheet: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Facts - http://www.mdw.army.mil/FS-A11.HTM
- Boolean: "yule marble" and properties (31)
- Terms: microstructures (77680),
defect microstructures (75)
- Terms: calcite (226180),
yule marble (746),
Colorado Yule (260)
- Terms: surface scanning (1443),
neutron activation analysis (23637)
- Terms: thermal expansion of marble (1),
thermal expansion of granite (2),
thermal expansion (145997),
coefficient of thermal expansion (26882)
- Marble Technical Data - http://www.gtrmarble.com/html/marbletech.asp
- Coefficient of Thermal Expansion per degree Centigrade for various materials - http://www.supercivilcd.com/THERMAL.htm
- Marble ~ 1.1x10^-5/centigrade
- Mineralogical Society of America - Mineralogy, Petrology and Crystallography - http://www.minsocam.org/ - Crestmore Sky Blue Marble, Its Linear Thermal Expansion and Color by Joseph L. Rosenholtz and Dudley T. Smith - includes data on calcite - http://www.minsocam.org/MSA/collectors_corner/arc/cacrestmore3.htm
- Tomb of the Unknowns, Arlington National Cemetery (many photos)