Children and Sculpture: Home, Children's Art Societies, Children's Sculpture Galleries, K12 Sculptors' Education, Fun
See Also: Sculptors Specializing in
Keywords: K12, K-12, art education, sculpture, ceramics, 3D
art, arts education, art teachers, art curriculum. I hope to encourage
K-12 education in Sculpture and related 3D technologies by providing links for
teachers to find 3D resources for the classroom. And, by showing how 3D artists
work. Suggestions for this page very welcome.
K12 Sculptors' Education Sponsored by Paula Slater Sculpture
- Millersville University
Bronze Triceratops Project The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural
History has commissioned a team of sculptors to cast a life size Triceratops
skull in bronze. The casting will take place at Millersville University's
sculpture foundry in Millersville, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The
Smithsonian is planning to have the Bronze Triceratops skull installed at the
main entrance of the National Museum of Natural History along Constitution
Avenue in Washington, D.C. See: Project History, Casting
Process, Meet the
Sculptors, Photo Album, Events.
Contact: or
(717) 872-3302.
- Sculptors: Ike Hay, Jennifer Chunko, Richard
Klyver, George
Mummert, Sean
- Sculptors: Ike Hay, Jennifer Chunko, Richard
Klyver, George
Mummert, Sean
- Imagination Celebration of Fort
Worth-Home Page - Welcome to the home page of Imagination Celebration,
dedicated to enriching the lives of children through the arts. Imagination
Celebration Fort Worth is a nationally acclaimed model for the arts in
education. It links local educators with the area art organizations to create
unique learning experiences each year for 90,000 students in grades K-12.
- Partners Through Art - Amon Carter Museum
- Master Artist
Apprenticeship - The Modern Art
Museum of Fort Worth and the Fort
Worth Independent School District Art Department share a museum/school
partnership for selected high schools
- Partners Through Art - Amon Carter Museum
- ArtsEdNet ArtsEdNet, an online service developed by the Getty Education Institute for the
Arts, supports the needs of the K-12 arts education community. It focuses on
helping arts educators, general classroom teachers using the arts in their
curriculum, museum educators, and university faculty involved in the arts. Lesson
Plans & Curriculum Ideas, Image
Galleries & Exhibitions, Reading Room
& Publications, What is ArtsEdNet
Talk?, Web
- ArtsUSA: American Council for the Arts Americans for the Arts is the national organization that supports the arts and
culture through private and public resource development, leadership development,
public policy development, information services, public awareness and education.
Americans for the Arts brings together the energy, expertise and vision of the
American Council for the Arts and National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies, each
with a record of leadership in the arts community, and each with a commitment to
documenting and shaping public policies that affect the arts in communities
throughout the United States. Arts Education National Arts and
Education Organizations Arts Education
- Crealdé School of Art Crealdé School of
Art, a not-for-profit arts organization founded in 1975, is dedicated to
bringing the spirit of community arts to the diverse population of Central
Florida. As a community art school, Crealdé offers more than 60 sequential,
curriculum based classes for
children, teens, and adults in the classic visual arts, including ceramics,
sculpture, photography, painting, and drawing.
- National Art Education Association Nearly 15,000 art educators from every level of instruction: early childhood,
elementary, intermediate, secondary, college and university, administration,
museum education, lifelong learning . . . also publishers, manufacturers and
suppliers of art materials, parents, students, retired teachers, arts councils,
schools . . . anyone and everyone concerned about quality art education in our
schools. To promote art education through Professional Development, Service,
Advancement of Knowledge, and Leadership. NAEA is a non-profit, educational
- NTIEVA HomePage NTIEVA Newsletter - Art Education
and Museum Links
- Association for the Advancement of Arts
Education The AAAE is the direct result of a two year, comprehensive study
which surveyed hundreds of superintendents, principals, teachers, parents,
school board members, artists, professional arts administrators and community
opinion leaders regarding their views on arts education. The study found a
positive element for change in arts education priorities and programs in the
region. Constituencies expressed strong consensus on two key issues:
- The arts should be an integral and equal element in the general education of
all students, grades K-12.
- Collaborative efforts between schools and professional arts organizations
are key to the successful utilization of the arts in the educational process
- Arts Education Model
- The arts should be an integral and equal element in the general education of
all students, grades K-12.
mission of ARTSEDGE is to help artists, teachers, and students gain access to
and/or share information, resources, and ideas that support the arts as a core
subject area in the K12 curriculum. ARTSEDGE was established and continues its
development under a cooperative agreement between the Kennedy Center and the
National Endowment for the Arts (with additional support from the U.S.
Department of Education).ARTSEDGE Organizations
- TCAP: The California Arts Project AEOL A professional development
resource for educators, Arts Education Online is sponsored by The California
Arts Project AEOL is partially supported by the John F. Kennedy Center for the
Performing Arts as a pilot project of ARTSEDGE, the national arts and education
information network. Within this site, visitors will find a wealth of ideas,
information, and examples relating to the arts and to arts education, as well as
opportunities to ask questions and to engage in discussions on a wide variety of
arts topics
- TCAnet (Texas Cultural Arts Network)
Texas Commission on the Arts
- Welcome to AskERIC
- Web 66
- Children's Art-Craft Supplies
- Barrows School of the Arts - Sculpture supplies list - A nice list of materials needed for various projects