Administration Page for NT

File Functions: General: Update Cached Server File

Source File Name:
Destination File Name:
Your email address:

Please Note: It may be up to 24 hours before the Cache is updated.
Your email address is required so you can be notified when the update occurs.



This function allows you to update cached server files (such as ASP files).


Source File Name: (Required)
This field is for specifying the location of your source file. Be sure to type in the full path name, including sub directories, off your root directory. Be sure to use physical paths instead of virtual paths (backslashes instead of forwardslashes).
Destination File Name: (Required)
This field is for specifying the location of the file you want to update. Be sure to type in the full path name, including sub directories, off your root directory.
Your email address: (Required)
This field is for entering your email address. You will be notified when the update has occurred.


The Source File Name and Destination File Name can be located in any directory off your root directory.

DO NOT include your domain name or IP address in the Destination File Name or the Source File Name field.

Be sure to enter the full path name in the filename fields, including sub directories For example: The file myc.asp in the activeXcomponents directory would be typed as: activeXcomponents\myc.asp.

After submitting the form you may receive the following message: "The file is cached now. We will update the file within 24 hours and email you the result."
If you receive the message: "Updated file from (Source File) to (Destination File) successfully." We were able to update the file successfully when you submitted the form and we will not send an email to you.


Updating an ASP file in your root directory from a file in a sub directory:
  Source File Name: components\myc.asp
  Destination File Name: myc.asp
  Your email address:


Cannot update file -
Make sure the destination path is correct.
File not found -
The source file is not found. Make sure the path and the file name is correct.