Edit DSN


Please Note: You can not edit an SQL DSN.


This function allows you to edit a DSN you created for your site.

 DSN (Required)
This field is for choosing the data source name you wish to use. A DSN is essentially a symbolic link on the server pointing to your database file.
 Filename (Required)
This field is for typing the location of the file on your site. Be sure to type in the full path name, including sub directories, off your root directory.


You cannot use this form to change the database type (Excel, Access, Paradox, etc).

You must delete the ODBC and recreate it to change the database type.

 Editing a DSN:
     DSN: dbUsers
Filename: users.mdb

 Editing a database in a sub directory:
     DSN: dbUsers
Filename: databases\users.mdb

 Invalid data source name -
This means the DSN field was left blank. Resubmit the form with a DSN.
 Invalid file name -
This means the Filename field is incorrect. Resubmit the form with the appropriate filename. Please see the examples.
 Cannot find the directory (file) specified -
This means the server was unable to locate the directory and/or filename you specified. Resubmit the form with the appropriate filename. Please see the examples.
 Server cannot edit DSN at this time -
This means the server was unable to verify the user name and password. Try submitting the form again later. Contact technical support if the error persists.
 Data Source Name not found -
This means the server was unable to locate the DSN you specified. Resubmit the form with the correct DSN. Please note that DSN's are CaSe SeNSiTiVe.
 Data source location not found -
This means the DSN was not pointing to a database on your site. Verify the DSN and resubmit the form. Contact technical support if the error persists.
 Data source type not match -
This means you are trying to point the DSN to a database of a different type. You may need to delete the DSN and recreate it.
 Cannot edit SQL Server DSN -
You cannot edit an SQL Server DSN.