Create DSN


Fill in the following fields only if creating an SQL DSN.
SQL Server Name:
SQL User Name:
Please Note: In order to create a DSN for SQL you must be on TrueAdvanced plan or better plan and you must have previously requested an SQL Server Setup from the support site.



This function allows you to register a Data Source Name (DSN) to be used in Cold Fusion or ASP pages. Your site must be on a Cold Fusion server in order to use cfm files.

 DSN: (Required)
This field is for choosing the data source name you wish to use. A DSN is essentially a symbolic link on the server pointing to your database file. This field is not required for SQL.
 Filename: (Required; except for SQL)
This field is for typing the location of the file on your site. Be sure to type in the full path name, including sub directories, off your root directory.
 Type: (Required)
This field is for selecting the type of database you are registering. Selecting the correct type is imperative.
 SQL Server Name: (Required only if creating SQL DSN)
This field is for the name of your SQL server or the IP address of your SQL server.
 SQL User Name: (Required only if creating SQL DSN)
Enter your SQL username in this field.


DO NOT include your domain name or IP address in the filename field.

Be sure to enter the full path name in the filename field, including sub directories For example: The file users.mdb in the databases directory would be typed as: databases\users.mdb.

 Registering a database in the root directory:
     DSN: dbUsers
Filename: users.mdb
    Type: Microsoft Access Driver

 Registering a database in a sub directory:
     DSN: dbUsers
Filename: databases\users.mdb
    Type: Microsoft Access Driver

 Invalid Data Source Name -
This error means the DSN field was either left blank or contains illegal characters. Please resubmit the form using an alternate DSN.
 Duplicate Data Source Name Found -
This error means the DSN already exists. Please resubmit the form using an alternate DSN.
 Server cannot set ODBC at this time -
This error means the server was not available to process the request. If the error persists, contact technical support.
 Server error -
This error means a server side configuration is incorrect. Contact technical support to resolve the error.
 You have to fill in 'SQL Server IP' field-
This error means the SQL server IP address was not filled in.
 You have to fill in 'SQL User Name' field-
This error means the SQL username was not filled in.
 You have to fill in 'SQL User Name' field-
This error means the SQL username was not filled in.